3 Trustworthy Apps for Economical Arbitrage Opportunities in Africa.


Cross Border payment from Nigeria


The world of arbitrage trading is a thrilling venture, where opportunities abound for those who can navigate the complexities of cross-border transactions.

As a savvy trader based in Nigeria, exploring the neighboring markets of Kenya, South Africa, and Ghana could yield significant returns. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to three dependable apps that offer cost-effective cross-border money transfers, facilitating your arbitrage trading endeavors.

1. SEND APP by Flutterwave: The Cost-Efficient Champion


  • – Competitive Rates: The SEND APP by Flutterwave boasts some of the most competitive exchange rates in the market, providing users with a competitive edge when trading in foreign markets like Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, and Across the world
  • – Low Transaction Fees: With minimal transaction fees, SEND APP allows you to transfer funds at a lower cost, preserving your profits and capital. The Nigerian Users of SEND-App only pay one Naira for every transaction.
  • User-Friendly Interface: This app, with its user base exceeding one million at the time of writing, offers a seamless and user-friendly experience for traders looking to send money across borders.


  • Transaction Delays: Due to its popularity, SEND APP may experience occasional transaction delays during peak usage times. However, the overall cost-effectiveness compensates for this minor inconvenience.
  • Fees Not Refundable: If your transaction fails to go through for whatever reason, SEND-APP won’t refund the fees paid to process the transaction. Even though they are mostly very cheap.
  • Delayed Refunds: Processing Refunds takes between 3-15 days to complete, with a little patience, you will get your refunds but you need Patience.

WEBSITE: Send.flutterwave.com

2. Access Bank: Navigating the Ups and Downs


Accessibility: Access Bank, a well-established Nigerian bank, provides easy access for traders with existing accounts. This simplifies the process of transferring funds within these countries.

Extensive Network: Access Bank’s network extends to various African countries, making it a viable choice for traders looking to transfer funds to Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, and beyond.


Exchange Rate Variability: Access Bank’s exchange rates are prone to fluctuation, which may impact the cost-effectiveness of your trades. Rates are not as competitive as some dedicated international money transfer platforms.

Transaction Fees: While Access Bank offers convenience, it may charge slightly higher transaction fees compared to digital money transfer platforms.

WEBSITE: Accessbank.com

3. Chipercash: Stability with a Slight Premium


Exchange Rate Stability: Chipercash prioritizes stable exchange rates, providing predictability for traders seeking stability in their transactions.

Multi-Currency Support: Chipercash allows users to hold and transact in multiple currencies, streamlining cross-border trading and reducing conversion fees.


Slightly Higher Costs: While offering exchange rate stability, Chipercash may charge slightly higher fees compared to some other digital money transfer platforms. However, the stability may offset the added expense for traders who prioritize predictability.

Limited Regional Reach: Chipercash’s network may not be as extensive as some other platforms, which could limit its usefulness for traders looking to access a broader range of markets.

WEBSITE: Chippercash.com

Expand Your Arbitrage Horizons

Arbitrage trading isn’t limited to just USD and other major currencies. You can maximize your profits by sourcing out different currencies at lower rates and reselling them at higher rates in various markets.

With these three reliable apps—SEND APP by Flutterwave, Access Bank, and Chipercash—you can confidently send money across borders, explore new markets, and seize arbitrage opportunities in Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, and many more African Countries.

ALSO SEE: How to Join Binance P2P in Africa and Earn Money Online

The choice of the right app depends on your trading priorities—whether you prioritize the lowest rates, stability, or accessibility. Choose wisely, and let your arbitrage trading journey flourish as you explore the vast world of cross-border opportunities.

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